Dave Eckhardt wrote:
i think it would be possible, and might be interesting, to do a file
system type (or types) that did better what these things are trying
to do.

One piece of work in this area is VESTA:
That second url doesn't seem to work, but I found


Wes Kussmaul
The Village Group
738 Main Street
Waltham, MA 02451


My uncle likes to say that the world’s biggest troubles started when the serpent said, “Try this fruit, and by the way if a bunch of people collectively calling themselves Arthur Andersen signs something it’s the same as if a person named Arthur Andersen signed it.” I don’t get the serpent and fruit part. Must be some Swiss mythology thing. He can be a bit obscure. 

                         P.K. Iggy
                         _How I Like Fixed The Internet_
                           (Tales from the Great Infodepression of 2009
                           and the prosperity that followed)