Thanks a lot! It's answering a lot of questions. Now I have only to find plan9.ini on my machine... :) Another question is about USB... I have 'an old machine', where USB is provided as separate PCI card... Unfortunately, 'man plan9.ini' does not provide too much 'options'/examples about USB card drivers... Any useful trick here? Michael. On Feb 4, 2008 7:14 PM, Pietro Gagliardi wrote: > man -P plan9.ini > > and see if your wireless device is listed in the ETHERNET section. > > On Feb 4, 2008, at 7:12 PM, Michael Andronov wrote: > > > Hi, > > As I'm moving slowly via installing/configuring Plan 9 node... > > another question appeared: > > > > Can somebody navigate towards document describing installation/ > > configuration of wireless card under Plan 9? > > > > (I guess I have seen something briefly why checking archives, but > > lost it.... > > Network Configuration article provides some briefs on network > > installation itself, but not wireless in particular... ) > > > > Thanks for your advice and kind attention to this matter. > > > > Michael. > > > >