Folks: Friday was the meeting for rejected organizations to get some feedback on their applications and supporting material. I was able to attend on Plan 9's behalf. The news is overall positive, if not terribly satisfying. The folks at Google were quite happy with both our application and our ideas page (the main supporting item). We fell to what was a common refrain in the meeting: they simply had to cut a number of organizations they liked in order to make room for new organizations. In some ways that's not a terribly satisfying answer, as it doesn't leave us with anything particular we can address, but it does speak well of our efforts. Certainly the folks at Google were not shy about giving more pointed feedback to other organizations in the meeting where they had any. If we were to look anywhere for areas to improve, based on the trends of comments to other organizations I'd suggest we could put a little more work into making the descriptions of ideas on our page more consistently filled out. For returning orgs, once a sort of minimum bar is passed for the application the competition really does seem to be largely focused on that page. In the next few days (I'm currently traveling), I'll post my notes from sitting through feedback from 20+ other orgs, as well as a transcript of our session, to the wiki, off the GSoC page. Anthony