I don't think there is a prepackaged version, but man 8 prep has an example at the bottom to create a bootable usb disk. I believe the problem I ran into (and that has been outlined in the list; look for posts by Newsham) is the support for the usb disk within the bootloader (getting the bootloader going isn't too difficult, it is allowing it to actually load the kernel from the usb disk that is). Look also to work Newsham did with the OLPC - but that was possible by leveraging Open Firmware. Though if there were (or someone had more info) I would appreciate it as well! (new 9fan, been lurking for a little while). On 01/14/2010 10:27 PM, Johannes Türme wrote: > > > > I did a search on the subject of a Live USB in the archives but found > nothing. Does anyone know of something like that for Plan 9? I like > this feature as I own a Lenovo S10-2 netbook. There are tools to > create Live USB's out of LiveCD images available for some Linux > distributions and I was wondering if there's something like that for > Plan 9? otherwise, it would be a great tool to develop. Thanks in > advance. > _________________________________________________________________ > http://redirect.gimas.net/?n=M1001xIE2 Optimal für Windows Live: > Internet Explorer 8! Jetzt gratis testen