Thanks, Geoff, and Erik.
However... (with my 5 minute intro to Runes courtesy of Hello World doc...) we're still talking BMP, right?
(I programmed in B back in the day... i.e. 1980-ish and due to a career shift have been out of things for a while, so forgive my potential obtuseness as I gradually reintegrate...!)
This reminds me of what I read here:
Karljürgen G. Feuerherm, PhD
Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University
75 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5
Tel. (519) 884-1970 x3193
Fax (519) 883-0991 (ATTN Arch. & Classics)

>>> <> 28/01/2010 3:46:27 pm >>>
I've extended old code using lex to accept utf by massaging the input
stream, before lex sees it, to parse utf and encode non-ascii Runes
into '\33' (escape) followed by 4 hex digits. A simple lex rule then
decodes for the benefit of yacc.

This encodes:

* lex can't cope with character sets wider than 8 bits, so convert
* s to runes and encode non-ascii runes as <esc><hex><hex><hex><hex>.
* result is malloced.
char *
utf2lex(char *s)
int nb, bytes;
Rune r;
char *news, *p, *ds;

/* pass 1: count bytes needed by the converted string; watch for UTF */
for (p = s, nb = 0; *p != '\0'; p += bytes, nb++) {
bytes = chartorune(&r, p);
if (bytes > 1)
nb += 4;
news = malloc(nb+1);
if (news != 0) {
/* pass 2: convert s into new string */
news[nb] = '\0';
for (p = s, ds = news; *p != '\0'; p += bytes) {
bytes = chartorune(&r, p);
if (bytes == 1)
*ds++ = r;
ds += sprint(ds, "\33%.4ux", (int)r);
return news;

and this lex code decodes:

char *lex2rune(Rune *rp, char *s);
char *estrdup(char *);

static Rune inrune;
yylval.charp = estrdup(lex2rune(&inrune, yytext+1));
return inrune;
char *
lex2rune(Rune *rp, char *s)
static char utf[UTFmax+1];

*rp = strtoul(s, 0, 16);
utf[runetochar(utf, rp)] = '\0';
return utf;