On 08/17/2013 02:20 AM, Alex Jordan wrote:

On Aug 16, 2013 8:22 PM, "Devyn Collier Johnson" <devyncjohnson@gmail.com> wrote:

> I downloaded the Python 3.3.2 code and cross-compiled it for ARM systems. I currently do not have an ARM Plan9 system to test this on. Is there some special Plan9 repository for Plan9 like how many Linux developers have Launchpad and Github? How can I be the "official ARM Plan9 Python3 supplier"?
> I am new to Plan9. I know there is a lot of documentation on the Internet, but is there anything in particular that is highly recommended?
> Mahalo,
> DevynCJohnson@Gmail.com

Get a contrib directory.

Thanks! I will look into that.