// I sure hope the macfuse team didn't move things around yet again. Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? If things just stayed where they were so you could find them when you wanted them? Sheesh. We listen to guys like you and we'll end up with all the fun taken out of computing. : vav; ls -ld /System/Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext ls: /System/Library/Extensions/fusefs.kext: No such file or directory : vav; ls -ld /Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Support/fusefs.kext drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Mar 31 15:44 /Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Support/fusefs.kext Also, the sysctl bit in /9/bin/mount no longer turns up anything useful; it needs to look for macfuse.version rather than fuse.version. That said, I agree the new locations do make more sense, and having made the changes locally, 9pfuse and mount work for me. This box doesn't have the versions versions in question, though; I'll have my 10.4 box this afternoon. Anthony