It could be the bizarre settings on our sun ray servers(they won't even let you change from csh :o ). The colors are fine until you open acme or any colored window then you get powder blue instead of acme's normal yellow. I have access to another sun machine and just compiled a copy of another source I had lying around. I'll try it out when I have direct access to a sun terminal and get back to you.

Thanks for your help.


On 4/27/06, Russ Cox <> wrote:
> Does the current drawterm compile on solaris? Couldn't find a makefile for
> it. I grabbed andrey's old solaris binary but I'm still having the blue
> background problem. Any fixes for that? We're running on sun rays and I
> don't have access to the rayserv.

make -f Make.unix is supposed to work on Solaris.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the blue background
problem.  The background is supposed to be blue until
you start rio!
