I take back the stuff where a directory can be a command - it interacts weird with $path: you’d do `..’ thinking it’s the same as `cd ..’, except it’s actually `cd /bin/..’. > is there a buildable version of es any longer? I just found http://wryun.github.io/es-shell/ I’ve never actually used es, this or any other version; this is the first I’ve heard you couldn’t just use the original. Hey, does anybody know if Tom Duff really invented process substitution? ( <{} ) There’s a comment in ‘A Retrospective’ (1978, I think - it’s in the 1978 BSTJ edition `UNIX Time-Sharing System’; I have a tenth-anniversary reprint called ‘UNIX System Readings And Applications’) by Dennis Ritchie about how a syntax for non-linear pipelines has already been proposed. /dev/fd wouldn’t have existed yet, so does anybody know what he’s referring to here? Whoever it was, I bet it was Doug. -Morrow