>anyway, to ron's question, for those keeping score: >Sun: released their stuff; recently acquired by Oracle. >NeXT: acquired by Apple, ate it from within. >MIPS: acquired by SGI. a smaller MIPS was then spit out when SGI >realized Itanium was their future (oops). >SGI: went backrupt, twice, then acquired by Rackable before the whole >shebang was renamed sgi. >i was going to say that having Plan 9 ported to your platform seemed >like a bad omen for your company, but equally valid is the observation >that being a platform vender (other than Apple) is bad for your >company. Last I had read, Rob Pike had tried several times to get SGI to allow the release of their stuff, but they always said no. I don't think any attempt has been made since Rackable acquired SGI. It still might be interesting to see someday, since I thought I had heard that Bell Labs still has an SGI Power Challenge running a 4th Edition kernel whose release is also barred by the 2e NDA... Maybe it's been turned off for good by now, though... -Ben