Hi, I'm trying to make a Hello World program in assembly without depending on libc. Here's what I have so far: DATA string+0(SB)/7, $"Hello\n\z" GLOBL string+0(SB), $7 TEXT _main+0(SB), 1, $0 // first arg; $1 = stdout MOVL $1, (SP) // second arg, address of string MOVL $string+0(SB), 4(SP) // third arg, $7 = length of string MOVL $7, 8(SP) // fourth argument, -1LL (vlong offset) MOVL $-1, 12(SP) MOVL $-1, 16(SP) // use pwrite syscall MOVL $51, AX INT $64 RET The program assembles and links fine - but executing it gives me: 8.out 1183: suicide: invalid address 0x7 in sys call pc=0x104e It's probably something silly - I'll be extremely grateful if someone could point out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks! -- Anant