i noticed that when the plan 9 scheduler changed quite some time ago, inferno's interactive responsiveness degraded compared to Windows, where it's quite good; under Plan 9 it was still much better than it was under any Linux variant i've tried. the recent plan 9 scheduler changes improved it, but it's still not as good as it once was. (we've got a fairly objective test for it, so it's a little more than just an impression.) i did change the way some things were done to evade faults in the underlying scheduling (eg, sched_yield can be unhelpful), but something still sticks on some host systems. that's also when i discovered just how appalling Linux's scheduler actually is, and has been years. good source for a good sneer, anyhow. as well as brucee's suggestion about graphics, it might also be different scheduling in MacOSX. Inferno's unusual on most host systems in using possibly many host processes in a single application. that's when you start discovering the (possibly missing) fine print on the various `threads'/processes manual pages... and the implementations. Plan 9 is fairly good with rfork, to pull this back nearer list topic. let me know if you find a good (ie, realistic) test and profile it.