ok, so there is another snag i've just found out. The new dulwich code which hg-git relies on requires mmap -- which we do not provide in ape currently. I'm new to plan9; but am not afraid to code up things that are useful. I do need to know what the best idea is for how to resolve this...seems I can write an mmap for ape (which might be a huge pain) or we can run it on linuxemu (which i really don't want to do). And, of course, there is just eliminating git repositories. It posts to the git repo; however, when it starts to handle the pack or object it just freaks out because thats all in the dulwich code dealing with things like... mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), size, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) and seeing as we have no mmap in ape the mmap module in python 2.5 has been diligently ommitted.... sorry if i got someone elses (other than my own) hopes up. She works just fine for hg though... ++james