My mail filter adds addresses to my list of acceptable senders if it finds a valid token in the subject line. To create a token that is a function of the string xyzzy and today's date. % upas/token xyzzy 2taC2 % To see if a token is one created in the last 10 days % echo some line containing 2taC2 > /tmp/quux % if ( upas/token xyzzy /tmp/quux ) echo hi hi % In /sys/src/cmd/upas/filterkit/pipeto.sample you'll find: # save and parse the mail file {sed '/^$/,$ s/^From / From /'; echo} > $TMP upas/fs -f $TMP # if we like the source # or if the subject contains a valid token # then deliver the mail and allow all the addresses ... if ( $BIN/token $KEY $D/subject ) { $BIN/deliver $RECIP $D/from $MBOX < $D/raw $BIN/list add $PF $D/from $D/to $D/cc $D/sender rm $TMP echo `{date} added $RECIP From `{cat $D/replyto} \ >> /mail/box/$USER/_bounced >[2] /dev/null exit 0 } The first bit just uses upas/fs to present the message to be filtered as a file system. The last part looks to see if a valid token exists in the Subject: line and if so adds the address to the list of patterns. Of course, there's no reason to use upas/token. You could just as easily have a single token that's good for all time. I just thought that would make it a little to easy for the spammers.