From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 18:51:53 +1100 From: "Bruce Ellis" To: "Fans of the OS Plan 9 from Bell Labs" <> Subject: Re: [9fans] Fw: AUUG President's Newsletter - v1n2, 23-mar-2006 In-Reply-To: <20060323150603.23df7211@garlique> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline References: <20060323150603.23df7211@garlique> Topicbox-Message-UUID: 1cbefdde-ead1-11e9-9d60-3106f5b1d025 interesting. i presented two talks many years ago at AUUG. am i too old to enter this contest? brucee On 3/23/06, George Michaelson wrote: > > I am sure 9fans will relate to a request for funding for a John Lyons > chair of Computing at UNSW.. > > And well done Qualcomm for kicking in $500k. Is that softway people now? > > -George > > Begin forwarded message: > > Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 15:30:50 +1100 (EST) > From: David Purdue > To: > Subject: AUUG President's Newsletter - v1n2, 23-mar-2006 > > > > > *** Welcome > > Welcome to the President's Newsletter - a once a month communique from > AUUG HQ letting you know what we are up to and how you can get involved > in the community of Open Computing professionals. > > > > *** The John Lions Award > > The AUUG Board is pleased to announce the relaunch of the John Lions > Award for Research Work in Open Systems. > > Associate Professor John Lions was a visionary academic at UNSW, author > of the (in)famous Lions book - the "Source Code and Commentary on UNIX > Level 6" - and an AUUG "founding father". > > John's untimely passing in 1998 has not dimmed the affection in which he > was held, and one way AUUG perpetuates his name and legacy is through > the annual John Lions Award for Research Work in Open Systems. > > This award is given to recognise outstanding student work in the field > of standards based computing and/or open source. Entry is open to full > time students at any Australian university studying at Honours, Masters > or Ph.D. level. > > The award is judged on a submission from the student describing their > work (this should be restricted to 3 pages). The submission is judged on > relevance, originality and the work's contribution to the field. The > judges may interview the student on their work in coming to a final > decision. > > All finalists (i.e. all works judged to meet the minimum standards of > relevance and originality) will be awarded a $50 book voucher. > > The overall winner will receive: > > * A prize of $1,000 > * A framed certificate > * A one year membership of AUUG > * The winner's name inscribed on a permanent awards board, displayed > in the AUUG office and at the main conference. > * An invitation to present the work at the AUUG Annual Conference, > including travel and accommodation. > > Submissions should be emailed to > > Please pass this information on to any students you know - details at > > > > > *** The John Lions Chair in Operating Systems > > The University of New South Wales is establishing an endowed Chair to > recognise the enormous contribution made by John Lions to the world of > computing. > > The Chair will be called The John Lions Chair in Operating Systems, and > will enable an eminent academic to continue the John Lions tradition of > insightful and inspirational teaching in operating systems. The creation > of the Chair will perpetuate the John Lions name, and new generations of > students will benefit from his legacy. > > The University of New South Wales is conducting an appeal to raise $2 > million to establish the endowed Chair, and support is sought from > individuals and corporations. Following the generous donation of > US$500,000 by Qualcomm Inc in September 2005, the University has decided > to create the chair in 2006. The contributions received so far will > allow the chair to exist for a minimum of five years. Fundraising is > continuing to endow the chair in perpetuity. > > AUUG members are encouraged to consider whether they are able to support > the appeal - see for more > information. > > > > *** AUUG 2006 > > Although it is still a couple of months until the call for papers > closes, it is not too early to put in your submission. (Special mention > to Frank Crawford who was first to put his submission in!) > > Even if you are not planning to write a paper, it would be very helpful > if you could print off the call for papers and put it on to your > company's notice board - find it at > > > Submit a proposal or encourage your firends and colleagues to! Remember, > paper presenters get a free conference registration. Tutorial presenters > can get a free registration or 25% of the profit from their tute. > > Conference info: > > > > *** The AUUG Portal - Feature Of The Month > > The AUUG portal at is taking shape, with some > real life content being added. Already we have posted the conference > proceedings from AUUG 2004, and proceedings from the 1999, 2002, 2003 > and 2004 conferences are on their way. > > This month's feature is the AUUG Forums - > > The forums allow a discussion on a topic to be preserved for historical > reference. It is very easy to contribute to any forum - just click on > the forum that you are interested in, then either click on the topic of > interest, or add a new topic by clicking on "post new item" then > choosing "Topic". > > Once you are viewing a topic it is easy to contribute - just click on > the reply button and fill in the form to express your view, or use the > "quick reply" form at the bottom of the topic page. > > However - please note that to make a new topic or reply to an existing > one, you must be logged in to the portal! > > As an example - I have started a topic on where AUUG 2007 should be > held. Please go to and tell > us your views! > > Also note that the portal supports RSS syndication - so look for the RSS > logo ( in the top right of selected > pages. > > > > *** AUUG Board Elections > > Election time is nearly upon us again. To help make AUUG the > organisation you want it to be, please consider running for a position > on the AUUG Board. > > It is important that the AUUG board has a good cross section of the AUUG > membership, so that the direction of AUUG can be set to benefit all > members. But beyond that serving on the board can be very interesting > (you get to meet some great people) and good experience. True story - > in a recent job interview I mentioned some of the work I was doing in > preparation for AUUG 2005. The interviewer asked my to write that work > into my CV, and that was the basis on which I was given a second > interview. > > You can read descriptions of the AUUG Board roles at > > > You can review the Secretary's Election Announcement at > > > > > *** Positions Vacant > > AUUG is always on the lookout for volunteer to help with aspects of > running the organisation. Currently we need: > > * Returning Officer and Assistant Returning Officer - we need two people > to count the votes in the upcoming election. Since they have to be > together when counting takes place, we'd like a joint application from > two people who can be in the same place in May when the counting takes > place. These people need to be financial AUUG members. > > * Portal Content Editors - individuals willing to take on an area of > the portal, find content for that area and publish it. > > * Portal Content Migrators - individuals willing to work on moving > content from the old AUUG web site to the new. > > * AUUGN Editor - someone who can gather content from the portal or > from other locations, and format it into a set of html pages that we > can publish on the AUUGN DVD distribution. > > Regards, > > David Purdue > President > AUUG Inc. > > _______________________________________________ > auug-announce - announcements from AUUG Inc. > > > > > > -- > George Michaelson | APNIC > Email: | PO Box 2131 Milton > Phone: +61 7 3858 3150 | QLD 4064 Australia > Fax: +61 7 3858 3199 | >