when you compiled this on plan 9, you must have either replaced stdlib.h with something else or have used ape. i substituted libbio and get almost the same performance you did on linux. i used my home cpu server, a amd64 revF 3800+. cpu% 8c -FVw t.c warning: t.c:64 set and not used: t cpu% 8l -o t t.8 cpu% time t >/tmp/xyzw 2.08u 0.05s 2.36r t i think the reason for the difference in performance is that somehow your translation of print was calling write(2) for each integer printed. assuming i understand the point of this program -- sorting a bunch of integers, i rewrote this program using an array and qsort, which should be more memory efficient and faster. here's what i get cpu% time ./u >/tmp/xyz 0.08u 0.01s 0.22r ./u - erik