for plan 9, for the older 4501 i think i had to eliminate some cga references in config and mkfile. use a mkfile without cga.$O (this would be better done by specifying cga in the other config files, since it's optional). i used an earlier verson of the pcsoe config file below, but had to add the dummy realmode this time to get it to compile. that won't work unless there's a plan9.ini as well with *norealmode=1 i can't remember what i did for plan9.ini. for inferno i just needed a configuration file because i'd once had to port it to a 386dx/16 without cga, so i'd already made appropriate changes. dev root cons arch pnp pci env pipe proc mnt srv dup rtc ssl tls bridge log sdp thwack unthwack cap kprof ether netif ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum386 inferno sd uart pccard i82365 cis link devpccard devi82365 ether83815 pci etherwavelan wavelan devi82365 cis ethermedium loopbackmedium netdevmedium misc uarti8250 sdata pci sdscsi ip il tcp udp ipifc icmp icmp6 gre ipmux esp rudp port int cpuserver = 1; void screeninit(void){} void realmode(Ureg*){} boot cpu il tcp bootdir bootpcsoe.out boot /386/bin/ip/ipconfig ipconfig /386/bin/auth/factotum