From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Message-ID: <> To: Subject: ASN.1 (Was: [9fans] More 'Sam I am') Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 08:04:42 +0200 From: In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Topicbox-Message-UUID: fb7dd0be-ead0-11e9-9d60-3106f5b1d025 > isn't this the "i don't trust new software" argument resurrected? > let's all install V7 from mag tape on our pdp-11s. ;-) > > sorry. i couldn't resist. You're welcome, but I think you're off the mark. X.680 is less than 100 pages and is written in that peculiar jargon that CCITT/ITU-T have evolved to make sure that the real niggly faults are well hidden where they can only be discovered in the most painful fashion. Perhaps it is seriously flawed, but I have only a single paper by Carl Ellison entitled ASN.1 Misuse (September 15, 1995) to back that argument: "The ASN.1 standard (Abstract Syntax Notation 1) is proliferating, in spite of cries of anguish by computer professionals who are faced with implementing to those standards. The standard is flawed. Some of those flaws come from its complexity and ambiguity - a product most likely of having started down the wrong path and been subject to corrections by various interested parties along the way. It has acquired various warts and is apparently the result of a committee effort. Other flaws come from its misuse, and those are the one addressed in this paper." I note I'm missing pages 5 to 6 (of 6 :-). Thing is, XML is not 100 pages long, is nothing like less "complex or ambiguous" and is still work in progress. How much can one add to such a beast before its camel back breaks? And my question remains: "What is a better option for the conveying of platform-independent data than ASN.1 or XML?" ++L