To capitalize the first letter of each line wouldn't this be enough?



On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Steve Simon <> wrote:
Sorry, not really the place for such questions but...

I always struggle with sed, awk is easy but sed makes my head hurt.

I am trying to capitalise the first tow words on each line (I could use awk
as well but I have to use sed so it seems churlish to start another process).

capitalising the first word on the line is easy enough:


Though there maye be a much easier/more elegant way to do this,
but for the 2nd word it gets much harder.

What I really want is sam's ability to select a letter and operate on it
rather than everything being line based as sed seems to be.

any neat solutions? (extra points awarded for use of the branch operator :-)
