Hi all, I'm trying to use "9 mount" to mount acme's socket (in `namespace`/acme) to some directory in /mnt (let's say /mnt/acme). I'm using ArchLInux: $> uname -a Linux eee 2.6.32-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Dec 26 08:26:17 UTC 2009 i686 Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N280 @ 1.66GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux The simple command: $> 9 mount `namespace`/acme /mnt/acme fails with "mount: only root can do that" and $> sudo 9 mount `namespace`/acme /tmp/acme complains about "wrong fs type". strange, because "9p" filesystem seems to be there: $> grep 9p /proc/filesystems nodev 9p I've also tried sqweek's "9mount" script, but it fails too with an uninformative "Killed". $> 9mount 'unix!/tmp/ns.lollo.:0/acme' ~/acme Killed The command executed by the script seems to be this one: $> 9mount -n 'unix!/tmp/ns.lollo.:0/acme' ~/acme mount -t 9p -o unix,trans=unix,name=lollo,uname=lollo,noextend,nodev /tmp/ns.lollo.:0/acme /home/lollo/acme and I've traced down the offending option to be "trans=unix". Any suggestions? Thank you! L.