Well, isn't programs compiled with p9p statically linked? if so, ask someone to put a binaries repository, or do it yourself ?
Just one binary should work for each platform, isn't it?
ask Russ for that posibility, i'm sure they have binaries for all the platform p9p supports.

2005/8/10, Anselm R. Garbe <garbeam@gmail.com>:
On 8/10/05, Gabriel Diaz <gabidiaz@gmail.com> wrote:
> Afaik plan9ports main target is make a plan9-like environment on unix clones
> to develop in the same way plan9. And to make a program work in plan9 and
> unix without modifications.
> I think that is the reason of that extra-abstraction you mention.

That makes sense, but with some modularization in mind, this could be
separated into some dev-wrapper package/directory. The main idea I got
is to modularize the whole p9p into sub-pieces, that one don't needs
to install all 420kSLOC if one wants only depend on some p9 libs or on
some bits of the whole thing, ie acme only.

Anselm R. Garbe  ><><  www.ebrag.de  ><><  GPG key: 0D73F361