may be this is interesting :)

On 4/5/06, David Leimbach <leimy2k@gmail.com> wrote:
You'd need a way to boot it first of all.

No x86 based mac has BIOS.  It's all EFI, and without the BIOS
backward compatibility modules.

Someone put together a bunch of stuff for booting Windows XP Pro and
has an installation method, but it is far from easy or even supported
by anyone.  It would likely work for Plan 9 as well.

Best bet is to wait until Parallels put's out their new virtualization
product for Mac OS X, it will use the new Intel Virtualization
Hardware and, if the claims are all true, you'll be able to run pretty
much any OS at close to native speed on top of Mac OS X using this new


So far, looks like the software is only 50 bucks.

There is a free demo for linux users, but I don't have the hardware in
question on anything but a Mac.

Dual booting really bites it anyway IMO.


On 4/5/06, Daniel Soderstrom <snaggs@mac.com> wrote:
> Can Plan 9 be installed on a x86 Mac Mini? I'd like to have a play
> with Plan 9, but don't want a ugly bitsa PC taking up the space. I
> should be able to do everything remotely on the Plan 9 box just using
> ssh or x windows?
> Finally, the possibilities of Plan 9 seem really intriging, has
> anything new and different been done on Plan 9 which could only be
> supported by its architecture?
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
> Perth, Australia.