
you got /dev/audio and /dev/audioctl after the bind #A?

if the answer is yes you have a supported soundcard, the easiest way to test it is using cdfs.

insert an audio-cd on your drive
use cdfs to mount it under /mnt/cd and go there
then cat a* > /dev/audio
if still there is no sound type something like
echo 'volume out 100%' > /dev/audioctl


On 8/7/06, John Boutland <boutland@exemail.com.au> wrote:
I mailed a couple of days ago on this subject but have not found an
answer yet. It would be vey nice to get this very neat
bit of software going. Following a reply from Gabi Diaz(?) who suggested
that the Ensoniq es1371 was not supported, I dug up an oldish SB16 card
but have still had no success. From earlier postings, I've tried
audio0=type=sb16 port=0x220 (as well as audio1, type=ess1688 and various
other ports) in plan9.ini, and have run bind '#A' /dev. Following a (Dec
2000, so maybe out of date) posting from Russ Cox, I didn't enter irq or
dma; even more variables to get wrong). As I mentioned earlier,
everything works except I get no sound. I get the track title OK from
the server. Using some of these ports produces other errors, as I would
expect. Russ Cox's posting mentioned a program, tsb.c, a soundblaster
probe, but it's no longer around, at least where it used to be.