The weird wording change was indeed someone trying to raise capital with something that got stuck under plan 9. It was an idiotic (closing the barn door after the horses had bolted) move and luckily the lawyers realized it as soon as we got someone with some brains to look at it. Comments from 9fans helped a lot in getting people to review the change. It did have the advantage that it raised such a flap and embarassed enough people that its not likely to happen again. Lucent's woes has caused many researchers to leave. Our lab is showing the strain and we've just been told that we're going to get hit with the next wave of firings. In the last few years we've lost Ken Thompson, Phil Winterbottom, Sean Dorward, and just recently Sean Quinlan, and Rob Pike. All the internal pressure at the moment is to create a more liberal license and dump more stuff under the umbrella so that the people leaving can continue their research elsewhere. The back pressure is just the usual unwillingness to make anything more liberal, the cover your ass philosophy that most large orgs embrace. That back pressure continues to decrease mostly because the number of lawyers is decreasing and those left have better things to do. People afraid to use Plan 9 because of the current license are certainly correct to do so, the IP clause is just too uncomfortable. However, don't expect any changes for the worse.