i too am both curious as to the motivations for VM and completely open minded with no preconceived notions about VM. except my aversion to hype. but hype is independent from the quality of an idea. i was asking Friday here at work, what are the modivations behind VM? the only answers that were offered were variations on the ability to rent someone a machine that has root access without having as many machines are renters. the earliest VM i know of is VM/CMS, from IBM, which is still used today. its purpose was to provide early timesharing, and was also used to debug MVS. so those are two motivation, although Xen can't be used for debugging OSes since it's a paravirtual machine. i don't think VMware would be too good either because it rewrites parts of your code. maybe that's not a problem in practice. maybe Ron can give us insight into the motivations for using VM.