I used a December 2007 installation CD, so I'll download the latest version and try again.

Thanks for the help!


On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 3:09 PM, <blstuart@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> I am having trouble getting Plan 9 to recognize my ethernet card in my
> embarrassingly old Dell laptop. The card is a Farallon Enet, which to the
> best of my knowledge would be a "3C589" type for the purposes of plan9.ini.
> I have tried some variations in plan9.ini, such as ether0=type=3C589 or
> etherX=3C589, as well as rendering 3C589 as "3c589", but to no avail.

I, too, am using a Dell laptop, but with a genuine 3c589.  It's working
fine.  After a recent patch, it doesn't even have to be listed in plan9.ini.
And, I think the 3c589 is included in the distribued kernels, but don't
quote me on that.  It sounds as if the ID string the card returns doesn't
match what the driver is looking for.  In particular the driver is looking
for the strings: 3C589, 3C562, and 589E.  If it doesn't find one of those,
then it won't see it as a 589