Yes, that does it. Another nice fix would be to have an option to set the stratum when an RTC is used. At the moment it it is set to 0 (unsynchronized) which is quite understandable, unless you have a different local mechanism to set the RTC, so that it is actually trustworthy. This is the case for my network, where I use a Rugby receiver to get the time. I have added the following: case 'S': a = ARGF(); if(a == nil) sysfatal("bad stratum specified"); stratum = strtoll(a, 0, 0); break; The details of the Rugby receiver code are in So I run aux/timesync -s /net -r -S1 on the cpu server use the ipsntp stuff on the fileserver, and aux/timesync -n on the terminals. aux/timesync -f would be fine too, which CHF's fix. Yes, I know this is less accurate that using an Internet time server, but it's more fun.