The problem is how do you know what's junk and what's not without requiring human intervention. For example, it's nice to have a different not archived fs because users know that all in the main one gets archived; thus there's no opportunity for them to forget to set the noarchive bit. I thought of adding the noarchive bit, to unify our main (archived) and once (not archived) file systems; but after thinking twice, I thought users would forget to set the bit on tars downloaded and the like. Regarding abusing the dump, i.e. student homes, right now their homes here are in a not archived file system. Next semester I'm going to experiment with putting them in a fossil with snap but without archiving. BTW, we're receiving *a*lot* of fake upgrade/patch/download mails pretending to be from MS; i.e. 50M just for me just the last weekend. I resorted to /mail/lib/patters because the spam filter does not seem to be enough by now to stop it. Is the same happening to you?