Content-Disposition: inline Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -> random1 <- random2, hmac(random1, shared key) -> hmac(random2, shared key) This is incredibly weak authenitcation (susceptible to main in the middle) but works if all you're trying to do is keep out spammers who ar just injecting messages from their home machines. They can't authenticate without knowing the shared key. The problem is always how many shared keys are there. You could have one per pair of communicating individuals but then you need an introduction protocol. You could have a trusted third party to automate that introduction and you've essentially got plan 9's authentication protocol (we mix with DES rather than a keyed hash but its pretty much the same). Public keys have the advantage that the amount of cruft kept secret is small, i.e., your own private key part and nothing else. You don't need cert's per se. Just a place to get public keys that you trust. That could be a place that just has to be kept secure, not secret.