Err, "Wow, a 4000 line mk file!"

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Robert Raschke <> wrote:
Terribly sorry, my email won't help you much, apart from going "Wow, a 4000 link mk file!" and "Hmm, I wouldn't start from here if you want to go there." Your email also doesn't explain why you cannot generate a "normal" mk file.

If you want to stick with your approach, it almost looks like you may be better off to generate a shell script that explicitly checks and runs everything you need. (And yes, essentially make your "generator" be a make in it's own right. Another one won't hurt.)

But it's cool to see someone else who uses Erlang and RabbitMQ hanging out on this list. :-)


On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Ciprian Dorin Craciun <> wrote:
   Hello all!

   Sorry for interrupting again, but I've stumbled on an `mk` issue...

   I've written a little Scheme application that generates `mk`
scripts for building Erlang applications. (See below an extract of one
of my previous emails describing just the generator part; the thread
had the subject: <<mk (from plan9ports) modification time resolution

   Now the problem is that the generated script (attached to this
email) has about 2671 prerequisites (` target :: prerequisite `), and
about 684 actual targets with recipes. (As I've explained below I'm
not using any meta-rules, and I'm explicit about each resulting file
and it's dependencies.)

   The problem is that the time needed to run the script has
extremely increased, and the processor is 100% eaten by `mk`.

   For example:
   * just running the `mk` script with the `-n` option takes about 14 seconds.
   * using the commands from the `mk -n` takes about 1 minute and 36 seconds;
   * then running `mk` takes another 14 seconds; (as it has nothing);
   * but after cleaning and running `mk` (which I've left running for
about 5 minutes and still didn't finished) it seems that between each
target (or batch of targets?) it stays about 14 seconds;

   But what is strange is that if instead to build the default target
that builds everything I start building little by little independent
parts, it works without that great delay...

   Any ideas what could cause this?


[[ Extract from the previous email. ]]

  BTW... People might wonder how come I have 367 targets (with 1221
prerequisites) for such a small project? :) The answers is I don't
write the `mk` script by hand, but I've written a small Scheme
application that just generates the `mk` script based on descriptions
like the following. (Thus the resulting `mk` script is quite
exhaustive with quite tight dependencies and doesn't use
meta-rules...) :)

  So just out of curiosity are there any `mk` script generators out there?



(vbs:define-erlang-application 'rabbit
      erl: "\\./(rabbitmq-server--latest/src|generated)/.*\\.erl"
      hrl: "\\./(rabbitmq-server--latest/include|generated)/.*\\.hrl"
      additional-ebin: "\\./generated/rabbit\\.app")

(vbs:define-erlang-application 'rabbit_common
      erl: "\\./(rabbitmq-server--latest/src|generated)/(rabbit_writer|rabbit_reader|rabbit_framing_amqp_0_8|rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1|rabbit_framing_channel|rabbit_basic|rabbit_binary_generator|rabbit_binary_parser|rabbit_channel|rabbit_exchange_type|rabbit_misc|rabbit_net|rabbit_heartbeat|rabbit_msg_store_index|gen_server2|priority_queue|supervisor2)\\.erl"
      hrl: "\\./(rabbitmq-server--latest/include|generated)/.*\\.hrl"
      additional-ebin: "\\./generated/rabbit_common\\.app")

(vbs:define-erlang-application 'amqp_client
      dependencies: 'rabbit_common
      erl: "\\./rabbitmq-erlang-client--latest/src/.*\\.erl"
      hrl: "\\./rabbitmq-erlang-client--latest/include/.*\\.hrl"
      additional-ebin: "\\./generated/amqp_client\\.app")