Hi, I recently did a clean install of plan9 on qemu on linux. I've noticed that the load is spiking on an interval every 30 seconds or something like that. I looked at suggestions that it might be venti and timesync. But it couldn't be venti because I didn't install venti, I have a fossil only install. I looked at timesync, and killed it, and the load was still spiking. It was suggested I try zwansch's gtop, which I did do, and I found that fossil was using the most utime/stime. But it seemed like two different threads? Fossil [disk] and Fossil [flush]. When I killed fossil [disk] my load dropped, but obviously I lost disk access. What could possibly be wrong, and why is it doing this? Another interesting thing, is that when the load spikes like that, the emulator seems to temporarily lag or not respond, until the load drops again, so this also effects the performance of plan9. Any suggestions would be quite helpful.