Thanks Erik.

Yeah, the "f" device is just a consistent brain tic for me. Once upon a time I thought for some reason that "f" always went with "c" unless you were using a real jukebox, and now I can't seem to get rid of that misapprehension when I write my configs.

I used "h2" because I intended to have the drives on separate controllers. Are you saying it should be "h1"  even if there is no primary slave, or are you recommending that I put the drives on a single controller?

Getting optimistic about trying this.

It seems to me from my lurking around the groups that Erik is almost single-handedly keeping Ken's FS alive. I would just like to voice my appreciation for that.


On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 12:53 PM, erik quanstrom <> wrote:
>   filsys main cph0."cache"f{ph0."worm"h2."worm"}
>   filsys dump o
>   filsys other ph2."other"

should be

       filsys main cph0"cache"f{ph0"worm"h1"worm"}
       filsys dump o
       filsys other ph1"other"

also recommend against using the "f" fake worm device.
it makes changing the size of the device (say by 1 sector)
excessively difficult, and i'm unclear on the actual upside;
if the fake worm device saves you, things are already
pear shaped.

- erik