I wrote a small tool that parses variables and code in an Acme window, runs code the code with the variables as input, and replaces the variable values in the window with the values the code outputs.  The code can be any script, but I made wrappers to make it very easy to write scripts in rc and Go.  Here's my example from the blog post:

Bob's age=30, he is yearsleft=0 years away from retirement (calc).
#!/usr/bin/env calcgo
yearsleft = 55 - age

If you middle click calc, it runs the Go script (generated, compiled, linked, and executed by calcgo), and replaces the value of yearsleft with 25.  You can also increment values, etc., so running calc more than once can to interesting things.

I'm not really tuned into the Acme/Wily/Oberon community, so I don't know if this is a common way to work, but this uses what I think might be a good interaction model for scripts -- take input from a window and put the results back into the window.  It's kind of like HTTP's request/response idea.  This could be extended to handle more than just simple data, like tables (which my old calc for Ober did, follow that link in the post if you're interested).

Here's my blog post about it: this-statement-is-false.blogspot.com/2010/10/calculatorspreadsheet-tool-for-acme.html

Here's a link to the source (3 rc scripts): http://repo.or.cz/w/bills-tools.git/tree/HEAD:/calc
