OOPS dumb mistake on my part... I should have just pressed enter there.

I really ought to script that.

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:41 AM, David Leimbach <leimy2k@gmail.com> wrote:
I just did a pull and a recompile.  

The kernel boots to the point where it wants to get the root.  I tell it the same root server I used before the rebuild, and the prompt comes back again asking for the root.

Any thoughts on where I should look?

usb/hub... root is from (tcp)[tcp]:
root is from (tcp)[]: 
root is from (tcp)[]: 
root is from (tcp)[]: 
root is from (tcp)[]: 
root is from (tcp)[]: root is from (tcp)[]: root is from (tcp)[]: root is from (tcp)[]: root is from (tcp)[]: root is from (tcp)[]: root is from (tcp)[]: 
