So any more thoughts on whether or not this would be useful?

I have to revise: that I did point to a java sdk and really should have constrained my contents to something like jquery api instead.

So- why? (why build a website of drawterm)
(I think) I like plan9 as a potential network controller. Not sure if I have the right idea or not. It is 'experimental,' after all. Having a full blown web interface to acme.dump and the things it can do to read and respond to routers of all varieties seems like it could be kind of useful. But I could be misguided, uninformed and tired.

And StyxBrowser seems to lack auth code of any kind, and doesn't connect, or make any useful complaints that I can find right now. Oh it connects to the ip/port that it ships with, and is a file browser not a drawterm port, but that was in the docs. Yeah I would much rather run from (from within, or away from) an ajax app anyway.

much happyness all,
misguided, uninformed and tired.
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 3:15 AM, dorin bumbu <> wrote:
it seems somebody already done a js virtual machine :)


> on the other hand, i think a js virtual machine (mips would be nicer
> than x86) might be interesting.  drawterm has always been a clever
> hack.  it would be nice to have emulated environment that's more
> portable than 9vx and not tied to 32-bit x86.
> one would then be able to write applications for non-plan 9 users
> in plan 9.  clearly they will have a browser.
> not that i'm signing up or anything.  :-)
> - erik
