if fossil and venti are started at boot then the plan9.ini variable venti= is all thats needed.

if you want to start them after boot, booting from another filesystem then the -v option to fossil is what you are after.

i wrote a hand-holding doc about rebuilding a venti/fossil years ago: https://9p.io/sources/contrib/steve/doc/Venti-rescue.pdf this describes how they fit together. note this was more about rebuilding after a disc failure than installation but it might help.


On 18 Aug 2023, at 11:51 am, Marco Feichtinger <marco@germteig.com> wrote:

I have a standalone venti, which tcp boots from my file server.
How do I need to configure my fossil server, so it knows to use that venti machine
for archiving?

Is it enough to set the venti environmental variable; venti=ip-address?


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