> I'd also add ctrl-x/c/v, and perhaps a prefix key to enter control codes. > (I guess alt-x nnnn works already, but I know the keys.) Some days ago I wanted to input "\r" in Rio term window, spent about half an hour to figure out what the prefix key was, or some special syntax in rc, finally I gave up, used "Ctrl-m" instead. Regards, Yubao Liu ________________________________ From: 9fans-bounces@9fans.net <9fans-bounces@9fans.net> on behalf of Ethan A. Gardener Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 11:11 PM To: 9fans@9fans.net Subject: Re: [9fans] What are you using Plan 9 for? On Thu, Jun 21, 2018, at 8:20 AM, Mart Zirnask wrote: > On 21/06/2018, Ethan A. Gardener wrote: > >... I no longer have a desk of > > the right proportions to make mouse use comfortable, and can no longer bend > > over a laptop for hours on end, (a Thinkpad with 3 buttons,) text editing in > > Plan 9 has become unpleasant. I could patch Samterm and Rio to make it more > > comfortable, but it's not worth it. > > Would you mind elaborating on these ideas? Not at all. The first thing I would do is make it so Samterm keeps Sam's snarf buffer in sync with Rio's. I know it's sometimes useful to have the two separate buffers, but I so often want to copy between the editor and other windows that for me, it's an immense pain. An alternate, possibly better idea would be to add commands to Sam, equivalent to >cat>/dev/snarf and > Something I've been thinking along the same lines: > Inferno's shell allows one to add custom buttons to a shell window. > See more here: > http://debu.gs/entries/interlude-inferno-at-work A fun idea. :) Acme is similarly flexible, of course, and my Forth junk definitely will be. Remarking on parts of that article: "After that, starting up Inferno and hitting command-F (to run Inferno full-screen) makes the Mac look like an Inferno terminal. Perfect! I can lie to myself about what¡¯s actually running on the computer." This is what I did with my Mac. :) I don't hate its native interface but it is a bit dumb. Before I ever started using Plan 9 on it, I tried Linux but it was more hassle than necessary, and some hardware didn't work. I put OS X back on, (10.4, one of the best versions,) used its control panel, wifi setup, and nothing else except the X server full-screen. It was the best of both worlds, I loved it! :) Later, I variously ran Inferno, P9P Acme, and drawterm full-screen, usually with an external mouse. (It doesn't do multi-touch.) > > This could be used to add shortcuts to common/more complicated text > editing tasks in Inferno's sh + sam -d. > I'm not sure if this would free one from using a 3-button mouse, though. Didn't someone praise modern trackpads in this thread? In the dim and distant past, (at least a whole year ago,) I recall a multitouch patch appearing for P9P. I think it entirely eliminated the need for a 3-button mouse. I'm sure it could be reasonably applied to Inferno, and to Drawterm if it hasn't already. -- I regret nothing except my new-found capitalization policies.