On Dec 31, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Krystian Lewandowski wrote: > I tried to look at 9front BCM tree, it seems to be a bit different (no fakertc device for example) from the one at Bell Labs, is it by purpose or just trees are not synched? I.FN"m asking because i have 9front on my laptop and iN"d like to build BCM kernel there, and so i thought maybe i could use 9pi from 9front image instead, but iN"d like to know what is the status. Our kernel has some significant changes to it compared to the Bell Labs kernel. So it's kind of both on purpose and because we don't sync them as much as we probably should. 9pi works fine (I use it daily), and since you use 9front, if you want to support it that would be great because we really don't have anyone working on that as much as we should. -- Veety