I found an old thread with a series of steps that called for building the compilers without runebase first then bringing runebase back into libc after (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.os.plan9/rjFtp4F82U0) - the steps didn't work for me though.

What did work was using 5c from /n/9atom (http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.os.plan9.general/68992)!


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 12:37 PM, <kokamoto@hera.eonet.ne.jp> wrote:
Thanks all.
I made order the A68N-5000 board yesterday.
I may have many difficulties to run Plan 9, (UEFI etc),
in such case I'll run windows on it.☺

By the way, I got attention to arm architecture now.
I tried to compile raspberry pi on my plan9 machine, and
got problem.

When to compile runebase.c in the port of libc, I got
runebase.c: 1255 illegal rune in string, where
the line is:
        0xfa6c, 0x242ee,        /* 𤋮 𤋮 */.

Of course ther are many similar error lines, where
all the line have 5 digit value such as '0x242ee'.
Is there any limitations arm rune definition?
