somebody please summon The BurnZeZ.


On Fri, Sep 20, 2019, 10:46 PM Phil Kulin <> wrote:
I try to build Alef language
latest 9front iso

%9fs 9pio
# I don't know why, but "tar x alef.tgz" command do nothing...
%tarfs /n/sources/extra/alef.tgz
%dircp /n/tapefs/sys /sys
% cd /sys/src/alef
% mk all
mk $objtype.all
@{cd v; mk all }
@{cd k; mk all }
@{cd 8; mk all }
@{cd lib; mk all }
yacc -d ../port/parl.y

conflicts: 2 shift/reduce
mv ../port/
8c -w -I../port cinit.c
8c -w -I../port code.c
machdep.h:329 ../port/parl.h:332 cinit.c:6 syntax error, last name: Fconv
mk: 8c -w -I../port cinit.c  : exit status=rc 40921: 8c 40925: error
machdep.h:329 ../port/parl.h:332 code.c:6 syntax error, last name: Fconv
mk: @{cd v; mk ...  : exit status=rc 40909: rc 40911: mk 40912: error
mk: mk $objtype.all  : exit status=rc 40906: mk 40908: error

I think that problem in "Fconv" definition...

Non nobis Domine non nobis sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam
Phil Kulin