This works for me: $ cat ~/.local/share/applications/acme.desktop [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Categories=Development Name=Acme Comment= Exec=/home/fhs/bin/sh/acmestart Icon=/usr/local/plan9/mac/spaceglenda.png Path=/home/fhs Terminal=false StartupNotify=false On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 8:10 PM Parker Ellertson wrote: > I'm trying to set up a desktop entry so I can launch acme w/o opening a > spare terminal. So far I have this in the entry: > ``` > [Desktop Entry] > Version=1.0 > Type=Application > Exec=/home/parker/bin/acme.rc & > Terminal=true > Name=Acme > Icon=/usr/local/plan9/mac/spaceglenda.png > ``` > And the executable file is: > ``` > #!/usr/bin/env rc > > TERM=dumb > plumber > > fn cd { builtin cd $1 && awd $sysname } > tabstop=4 > > #font='/mnt/font/Lucida Grande/15a/font' > #font='/mnt/font/Roboto Regular/14a/font' > #font='/mnt/font/Noto Sans/13a/font' > > lfont=/mnt/font/UnifontMedium/10a/font > font=$lfont > > SHELL=rc > exec acme -a -f $font -F $lfont $* > ``` > The script works when I launch it in a terminal. But I can't figure out > why it isn't working via the desktop entry. I had `terminal` set to > false before and it didn't work. But when I set it to true, I see a > terminal screen flicker for a moment before it vanishes again. Anyone > here have any luck with doing this? > >