Dear all, I have noticed the comments of Anthony Sorace and Quanstro in my GSOC proposal. Thanks very much! Basically, there are three problems. [1]. The timeline has the time of reading related documents and source codes, but Anthony thinks it should be solved before the coding stage. [Yan] I have removed the reading stage from the timeline and use the time to write code and do some testing. [2]. I did not add the considerations of testing and measurements. [Yan] in the updated proposal, I add my idea of testing in the timeline part. Basically, I plan to write some code to stress the MCS lock in different contention degree and see whether the MCS lock works as expected. In addition, I plan to run some macro-benchmarks to test the performance of MCS lock, and compared with the original TAS (test and set) implementation. Quanstro, is that enough? [3]. Should avoid the patent issue of the K42 system. [Yan] For this problem, I do not have any idea right now. Do we need to propose a different solution (from K42's MCS lock), but solve the same problem (do not need to pass node data structure in the parameter)? Please provide comments, and I will update my proposal accordingly. Best Wishes! Yan -- Think big; Dream impossible; Make it happen.