I also dial tcp!!http, but failed. Actually,
I cannot even ping it successfully. (other sites such as can be pinged on my system.) By the way, if fossil uses another ip, how to find that?

2014-05-26 20:52 GMT-04:00 Skip Tavakkolian <>:
works here (see below). i wonder if fossil is announcing on a different ip than you're expecting?

% 9c dial.c
% 9l -o dial dial.o
% ./dial tcp!!http
GET / HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Plan9
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 00:50:46 GMT
ETag: "364d3v1b"
Content-Length: 2682
Last-Modified: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 22:51:43 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: close

<!DOCTYPE html> 


On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 5:13 PM, Nick Owens <> wrote:

did you try to use packet capture software like wireshark, or snoopy(8)
on plan 9, to see the packets?

running wireshark on linux, and snoopy on plan 9, will give you insight
into if the packets reach the other side successfully.

On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 08:06:21PM -0400, yan cui wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I used a program to dial from one system to another system, but
> it gives a connection time out error. I have searched on Internet for a
> long time and cannot get a solution. Could you please provide some
> suggestions or hints? Basically, one system is Linux based system with rc
> shell installed (we call it A). The other one is a auth+cpu+file server
> (we call it B). On B, I have used fossil/conf command to listen tcp!*!564.
> On A, I executed dial tcp!<B's ip address>!564, but it reports a time out
> error after waiting some time. Results are the same when A is a plan9
> terminal. By the way, I can ping A to B successfully.  What could be the
> possible problems?
> Thanks, Yan
> --
> Think big; Dream impossible; Make it happen.

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