On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 6:01 AM, Rubén Berenguel <ruben@mostlymaths.net> wrote:
By the way, do you know about 1-2 chords, don't you? For some of these tasks it may be useful.

I have only a vague notion of chords at this point.  I have two button mouse.  I simulate the button-2 with alt-left-click.  Because of this I thought I might not even be able to do chords

As you can tell, I am just learning acme.  So far, I have been successful in making it my main editor.  I initially spent a bunch of time with sam.  I like it a lot too.  I had a problem with sam trying to deal with multiple buffers.  I understand the ability to define where they are displayed but switching between a bunch of buffers was inconvenient.  IMO, acme is much better at handling multiple windows since you can drag things around very easily.  Acme's ability to dump/load state is very convenient too.  One big thing I like about sam is the edit window.  I can deal with a buffer in sudu-ed commands and see the results.  I like this.

One thing I just noticed about acme which I don't yet understand is the following.  I just noticed that I can click-drag with the button-2 and button-3 too.  Didn't realize this before.  Not sure what they do yet.

Another thing that I don't think can be done with acme but I am wondering is as follows.  When you have a command in a window (Undo for example), the command affects either the window it is in, or the window it is a tag for.  Sometimes, like when you issue a command and the result goes to the Errors window, I would like to be able to execute text in the Errors window that would affect the window the Error window represents.  This would be very powerful.  I could highlight text in a window, execute a command on it, and that command would provide me with a series of commands I can run on the original window to perform some operation (since the original window and the Error window are related at that point).  Anyway, please let me know if this is possible.

Thanks a lot for all the help!!
