On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Kurt H Maier wrote: > Quoting Blake McBride : > > There is a difference between valid arguments and club allegiance. >> > > You have not demonstrated a necessity for anyone subscribed to this > list to give a particular shit about which of the two are at play here. > It would take a long email to properly answer that question involving human motivation. I think I'll spare myself the time writing it, and the group with that information. > > We don't owe you anything, including a defense of plan 9. > Agreed. You also don't owe your grocer, your tailor, or your gas station attendant anything either. There is personal gain we all get by shared contribution. > Patches welcome. I would be much more interested in producing and providing patches if I wasn't in such fear of upsetting the Plan-9 philosophy. (That is if improvements were sufficient.) I am very, very happy to understand technical reason why things are the way they are. I am also humble enough to know that there is a hell of a lot I can learn from all of you and Plan-9. Hitting roadblocks with "that's the way it works and should work" gives me nothing (yes, the nothing you owe me). > > > khm > > >