On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 10:52 PM, <cinap_lenrek@felloff.net> wrote:
the fdisk command i gave you could read the partition table fine.
(it didnt register them, just print)

the code thats handling the automounting (/shr) should'v discovered
the partitions by running the same command but apparently that didnt
work. (otherwise, the dos partition should'v shown up in /dev/sdU*)

i can not reproduce this on my systems and i need further information
to debug this issue.

i would like you to:

  pulling and replugging the usb device and watch the screen to see
  if there are messages showing up. (you can also run cat /dev/kprint in a rio
  window to capture the console output (make sure to make the window

I am using vanilla 9front.  I believe it is rio.  I tried putting it in and out and there is no message on the screen.
I tried cat /dev/kprint and that too did not display anything.

As I mentioned, when plugged in, for some reason, I am getting:


I tried another USB drive.  Same result.

BTW, how do I abort a command such as the cat /dev/kpeint?  I tried ^c, ^d. ^\.  Nothing worked.  I ended up having to delete the entire window.


  try a different dos formatted usb drive.
