Currently are employed experienceds machine code programmers?

If not, why?

Currently are employed novices machine code programmers?

If not, why?

Currently are employed experienced assembly programmers?

If not, why?

Currently are employed novice assembly programmers?

If not, why?

Currently the experienceds machine code programmers are paid especially well compared to the high level programmers?

For example, currently the experienceds machine code programmers are paid especially well compared to, say, a PHP, JavaScript, Java or C coding position?

If not, why?

Currently the novices machine code programmers are paid especially well compared to the high level programmers?

For example, currently the novices machine code programmers are paid especially well compared to, say, a PHP, JavaScript, Java or C coding position?

If not, why?

Currently the experienceds Assembly programmers are paid especially well compared to the high level programmers?

For example, currently the experienceds Assembly programmers are paid especially well compared to, say, a PHP, JavaScript, Java or C coding position?

If not, why?

Currently the novices Assembly programmers are paid especially well compared to the high level programmers?

For example, currently the novices Assembly programmers are paid especially well compared to, say, a PHP, JavaScript, Java or C coding position?

If not, why?

I'm asking these questions because I really like the subject.