After installing plan9 I managed to delete the plan9.ini file. I also made a mistake while installing, I chose to let plan9 have all the free space remaining - about 25Gig. This machine has winxp on the first partition and I'd like to install grub2 as a boot loader to choose between winxp, plan9, and a varying flavor of linux or bsd. Query 1: Will plan9 play nice with grub2? Query 2: Can I "safely" use gparted on the plan9 partition and shrink it down, or will it complain, vomit, and generally refuse to be budged? Query 3: Should I just reinstall plan9, fixing the partition problem and the plan9.ini problem? I'll learn less that way, but then again I can install 9atom instead... Any suggestions would be appreciated. Cheers, Terry.