On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 6:45 PM, erik quanstrom <quanstro@quanstro.net> wrote:
> Many compilers do just that, however, that said, unless the compiler is
> prepared for it, since it effectively yields a struct of zero size which
> normally is a no-go, it could produce bugs involving sizeof, initializers,
> pointer addition et al, even some divisions by zero if the compiler is
> making certain assumptions already, unless it already can have zero length
> objects of this nature for some other reasons.

actually, kenc is pretty good about all these.  if you have

        struct fu {void x;};

and take sizeof(struct fu), that will give a diagnostic error.

the reason i avoided it was to not mess with the grammer, but if this is a
common thing, maybe it's no big deal.

though as charles points out, it is a bit of a waste of time.

If my memory serves, there is some wiggle room in C89 about how the empty struct works, though generally it wouldn't fly, and C99 disallows it, while C++ allows it (but it's sizeof > 0).  Plus it's a common extension made prevalent via gcc.

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