On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 6:36 AM, dexen deVries <dexen.devries@gmail.com> wrote:
On Monday 07 of May 2012 11:27:29 Charles Forsyth wrote:
> The MIPS, PowerPC and SPARC all grew to 64 bits from 32 bits, so 32 bit
> quantities
> (and usually but not always 16 bit and 8 bit quantities) have suitable
> instructions to fetch them.

fwiw, back in my uni days we were using some old 64bit Solaris on Sun's
UltraSparcs, and those had sizeof(int) == 8. i remember distinctly how my lame
programs (developed on x86 and assuming sizeof(int) == 4) tripped on it.

can't recall exact versions, but the CPUs were somewhere around 400MHz or so,
and GCC was the compiler of choice.

I may be recalling this incorrectly, but I think you're right about the 8, but didn't they also eventually bring it to 4 as well (or maybe I'm thinking of Sun C)?
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